Preventing Hearing Loss Deafness is a sensory disability that usually appears and worsens in old age, but many other people suffer ...

Natural Remedies to Prevent and Stop Deafness

Preventing Hearing Loss

Deafness is a sensory disability that usually appears and worsens in old age, but many other people suffer more or worse, limiting negatively their quality of life.

We present some tips and natural remedies that will help us to stop and prevent it, especially when it begins to give the first symptoms or when it is partial, as well as some health issues that could be related to its appearance.

When we notice the first symptoms, in any case, it is essential to go to the doctor to make the diagnosis and determine its cause, to prevent its progressive worsening. Among the causes mainly influence hereditary factors, but there are also cases caused by trauma or exposure to too many loud noises usually.

In specific deafness, we must not forget the possibility of blockages in the outer or middle ear, infections, otitis, etc.

We review some health issues that may influence the appearance of deafness, such as a relationship with the kidney, blood acidity or bruxism.

The ear and the kidney

According to natural medicine, there are some organic issues that can cause a partial deafness and worsen over time. One of them is the relationship between the ears and the kidneys. Even its shape is similar. Therefore, if we have had any kidney disease, we tend to suffer them or we have a family history, we will first perform a natural treatment focused on improving the function of the kidneys. Later we will evaluate if our hearing has improved.

The kidneys are organs that require that we drink enough water outside of the meals and that we give them warmth in cold times, which we will achieve using electric mats or hot water bags, and sheltering the whole lumbar area well.

pH too acid

Another reason that can influence the appearance of deafness without apparent cause is a pH of the blood too acid, due to poor diet, bad habits, stress, etc.
The best way to balance the pH is based on alkaline foods. In general, we recommend a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts and seeds.

We will monitor the excesses of the following foods that tend to acidify the organism:

  •         Meat
  •         Viscera
  •         Seafood
  •         Dairy products
  •         Fried
  •         Refined
  •      Sugars

    Mandibular tension

Mandibular tension or bruxism can be a factor that contributes to deafness, due to the mandibular pressure on the auditory zone, in the same way, that it can cause migraines.
To rule out this cause, we must first relax our nervous system if we are experiencing stages of stress or emotional problems that cause us to tighten our jaw during the day and/or night. We can do it through massages, relaxing therapies, homeopathy, Bach flowers and medicinal plants such as lemon balm, passionflower or Valerian.

We can also go to a craniosacral osteopath and perform relaxing exercises ourselves, massaging the area of the maxillary joint, located in front of the ears, almost below the cheekbones. We will also spend a few minutes each day opening and be closing our mouths, and move it in all directions we can, always gently and be avoiding sudden movements.

Self-massage with sesame oil

A good, simple and natural way to improve blood flow and therefore tone the atrial area is by self-massage. We will use sesame oil, a vegetable oil that is widely used in Indian medicine thanks to its many medicinal properties, and we will apply it by the ear and around it, in front and in the back. We will massage well, insisting on the different parts of the ear to give it a soft and elastic texture, and then we will gently drag the skin from the area between the ears and the cheeks, below the cheekbone. Finally, we message back and under the ear.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is an excellent plant to oxygenate and improve the functioning of our head and our extremities in general. It is well known to improve concentration and memory, but precisely in deafness can help us prevent it and even slow down its deterioration.

We can take it in infusion or extract for three months. Then we will rest a month and we can repeat the treatment, according to the results.

We recommend that you always consult a medical specialist before performing any natural treatment.

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Know more on -   Preventing Hearing Loss  



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